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ProtoRant - the Rant System

ProtoRant - the Rant System

The top-class system to run a website for people to post their rants about anything.

————Start of Spotlight Features————

Full-Featured Rant System (people can rant about anything in the world they dislike!)
Complete Moderation via Admin Panel (on Users, Rants, Rant Comments, Categories)
Easy-to-translate Language System (all words are in one single language file)
30+ various user and admin toggles for the swift and easy usage and administration
Visitors can rant annonimously with admin approval
Members can rant without admin approval

————End of Spotlight Features————

————Server and Software Requirements————

1. Latest ImageMagick
2. Latest GD Library
3. PHP5.2.4 or better – compiled with cURL (libcurl v.7.0.2 or better)
4. cURL(libcurl) compiled with SSL support
5. cURL(libcurl) enabled – not just compiled!
6. Latest EXPAT Library
7. Latest OpenSSL
8. MCRYPT Library (libmcrypt v.2.4 or better)
9. Port 1129 opened on your webhost's firewall
10. Apache Web Server (running on a Windows Server is a bad idea!)
11. Directory (files/) should be set to 777 chmod

(nothing else unless otherwise instructed at later times)

Check out ProtoRant Blog for more info!

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