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Selfie Shootout App for Android

Selfie Shootout App for Android

Check out our brand new app in play store:


It is available for just 499.00 -

So why not to get one for yourself today and make 15,000 USD before next month ends -

Just sharing your app with 50+ people can generate 1000+ downloads in less than a month - so use facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter to get 50 people to share your app among their friends and you are all set for brand new car, watch, and phone in less than a month -

The only thing you need to do is to get the app today to put yourself in the right direction -


Hey, if you get it right now, I will throw in custom design changes for the app at no extra charge for life -

Yes, you have not misheard me, you are not paying thousand of dollars to maintain the app nor hundreds of dollars to customize it at any time you want to change something -


You dont want to be one of those losers whining that there is no way to make real money anymore - it is here and now! Dont think twice as I have never been wrong about my products and they last for decades making permanent living for most of those who never walk away from a real opportunity -

One more thing! Please ask me about partial payment plans also known as layaways - since not all folks can afford to get things rolling due to budget but have lots of enthusiasm in them - so I do offer a layaway option for a very limited customer base - therefore walking away from layaway offer today cannot guarantee the same tomorrow - long words short: hurry the bejesus out of it -

I am on skype at nashauction right now and ready for your immediate action -

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