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Live Help System

Live Help System is an admin feature of Nash OS that allows you (site admin) to provide Live Support at any time. Once you click on live help icon in admin panel, the live help chat window will popup that will indicate that you are officially ready to take any live questions from your users. As for the user-end, the users will see live help icon changes from gray to green color indicating that someone from admin team is ready to speak via live help chat window. Once a user clicks on green live help icon then a chat window pops up and they see your message that says How may we help you? then user can start typing into the chat window to start live conversation with you. You will see when the user is typing and what his typing. You can have unlimited number of conversations from different users as your admin-end chat window lists all users who are chatting with you. Once you finish your live chat shift then you can simply close the chat window (admin-end) and the system will understand it as you left and will change green icon to gray icon on the user-end as well. 

NOTA BENE: Live Help Chat Window(s) will auto-close after 5 minutes of no activity.

Live Help System1
Live Help System2
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