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Recurring Fees

Recurring Fees is an admin feature of Nash OS and allows you (site admin) set up recurring admin fees also known as plans.

NOTA BENE: Make sure the signup fee is activated but the fee is 0.00 (it is ZERO DOT ZERO ZERO) otherwise you will double-charge your new user at the end of registration. Then come back here and assign a range of recurring fees. Basically recurring fees are the same as a signup fee but they loop in cycles which are usually called as subscription plans. Your members will be charged automatically via paypal based on the day-range you setup here. The reason to use multiple options is to give some discount to members who want to save money if they pay for a longer day-range. Example: you can offer 5 or more different plans. Pay 10 dollars every 7 days or pay 20 dollars every 30 days or pay 50 dollars every 90 days or pay 95 dollars every 180 days or pay 180 dollars every 365 days. Some will prefer pay less now but in a long run they will end up paying more, but some will pay you more now but save a bundle in the future. Also there is No Plan option which allows users to sign up to your website without any subscription plan so to pay the site fees upon their due date rather than upon a subscription plan due date.


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