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Member Score System

Member Score System (also known as Contest/Raffle System) is a feature of Nash OS for eCommerce and allows to run contest among members on your site. There are multiple variables that count in participation in the contest to receive a high score.

Such as for the sellers: number of all items of all times, posted, sold, ended, unsold items within the duration of a contest, bids on current, sold, unsolded, ended items, views on current, sold, unsold, ended items, number of positive feedbacks within the duration of a contest.

As for buyers there are also multiple factors to score high such as: purchased all items of all times, current, ended, paid ended, unpaid ended items, bids on current, unsold, sold, ended items, number of positive feedbacks within the duration of a contest.

Any IDV verified member receives one additional point to the score.

MyScores can be found in members area at the top of the main menu.

There are 3 top runners - Gold, Silver, and Bronze - the admin decides what type of prizes they receive upon completion of the contests duration. This a very transparent feature, in other words, every member can see who is the current runner up and they are updated on the fly by refreshing MyScores view at any time. 

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