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Sellers My Newsletters System

Seller’s My Newsletters System is a feature of Nash OS and available to all sellers via Members Area.

Also this feature is fully controlled via admin area of your site, please see attached screenshots fore more details.

Once enabled in admin area, your sellers will be able to email their newsletters / announcements to their buyers who purchased any item from them.

Since this feature maybe abused by some weird-minded sellers who think spamming their buyers is a good thing, the system has to limit to one newsletter / announcement per day.

If you receive abuse-reports from buyers who receive such emails as spam then you can disable this feature entirely or on per seller basis via member management view in admin panel.

The sellers see this message when they navigate to my newsletters view in their members area: 

Whether it is a newsletter or announcement that you might have for your buyers, this view lets you send them all. You can either select a preset or compose your own message. We reserve the right to suspend any Member Account, that is against our Privacy Policy and/or Terms & Conditions.

Sellers My Newsletters System1
Sellers My Newsletters System2
Sellers My Newsletters System3
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