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Members Area: Multi-Channel Selling Views

Your site members can navigate to Multi-Channel Selling via Members Area, here are the steps:

1. Login to Members Area.
2. Click on the hamburger icon at the top of the screen.
3. Scroll the menu to the sell link to hover over it to see its submenu.
4. Scroll the submenu to the multi-channel selling link to click on it to open its view.
5. Once inside the view you will see various channels to add to your MCS (see picture #2 for more info).
6. Simply click on the plus sign to add any channel of your choice.
7. Once clicked on the plus sign, you will be presented to the authentication popup that will take your through entire process of adding a channel of your choice to your MCS in Nash OS.

When a member has at least one channel added, then he/she will be able to utilize it during SYI (Sell Your Item) process as well as Fulfilment by Amazon or Fulfilment by Ebay, Charts, etc. (see picture #4 for more info).

The Charts for Multi-Channel Selling allow sellers to compare all channel fees (see picture #5 for more info).

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