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Payment Simulator

Payment Simulator is a test payment gateway that allows the site owner (also known as site admin or admins) to accept various payments from sellers and buyers when they set to pay for the site usage on various occasions such as subscriptions, funding their accounts, pay for various features, as well as for products (or subscriptions, or escrow) sold by sellers and etc.

Payment Simulator is available to the site owner and site members. Please keep your eye on Nash OS blog for news and updates on this feature.

What is Payment Simulator? 

It is a tool within Nash OS that allows to make transactions and payments for everything and anything to test their overall functionality. Use this tool to test the Nash Operating System features and functionality against any technical issue or bug. If a test returns positive for a bug then please file a ticket with Nash Developer Central for a fix to be issued via service pack.

Payment Simulator1
Payment Simulator2
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