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Classified Ads System II (Item Format)

Classified Ads System II (Item Format) is a features in Nash OS for eCommerce and allows your marketplace site tor run classifieds as another format of any item that sellers can post on your site.

Once enabled, the classifieds will be mingled with auction listings and available for browsing thru auctions browser and category browser. Also, once enabled, the legacy stand alone classifieds version will become unavailable to making sure 2 classifieds versions dont create a major confusion among Members.

Both classifieds versions have benefits and drawbacks and that is why we make them to be never enabled at the same time.

It is totally up to you to decide which classifieds version suites your needs best. But always remember: if this version is enabled then the other version is automatically disabled and all listings with the other version are disabled as well. Also you are allowed to disable both classifieds version but not to enable both.

Classified Ads System II (Item Format)1
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