Super Forums, Forums & Subforums are a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Super Forums are basically a group of forums. You can organize any regular forums into groups which makes it easier for users to find the forums of their particular interest as well as make a community look and feel more professional.
Forums are basically a group of subforums. You can organize any regular subforums into groups which makes it easier for users to find the subforums of their particular interest as well as make a community look and feel more professional.
Subforums are basically a group of threads. You can organize any regular threads into groups which makes it easier for users to find the threads of their particular interest as well as make a community look and feel more professional.
Finally, super forums, forums and subforums are fully controlled from admin panel and can be curated by admin at any time.
Keep in mind that you can assign a moderator status to any member that can curate forums directly from members area.
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