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Cookie Notice (EU cookie law)

Cookie Notice (EU cookie law) feature of Nash OS is available from admin panel and once enabled, users will see a new notification box at the bottom of your website. The feature also allows you to grafically customize (via HTML Editor included with the feature) the message that is shown to users as well as to include a direct link to a web page that can clearly describe to users on how to remove cookies from any browser they may use on their end.

NOTA BENE: Due to the EU Cookie Directive (2009/136/EC) that came into force in May 2012, any site that uses cookies, and assumes consent to drop these cookies, will need a notification on the site to inform the visitor that cookies are used, linking to a page that can give more information on how to remove them.

NOTA BENE: Cookie Notice allows you to put yourself in compliance with EU Cookies Directive (2009/136/EC).

Cookie Notice (EU cookie law)1
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