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Secret Question Answer System

Secret Question Answer System allows to add extra security when a user forgets his username and/or password. The secured questions will show on the registration page in a drop down format. A new registrant is able to select a most appropriate question and type in an answer to it. As we all know that certain things in anyones life is more memorable than others. This can help a user to retrieve his lost username and/or password much quicker than via email. Also the secured question technique provides best solution against an infinite sabotage from email providers who drastically erase emails marking them as spam. This has come to the point that even emails that are legitimate with a retrieved username or a password are never delivered to the addressee. So use this feature to help your Members get the lost info instantly. They will need to answer to the question they have answered previously on the registration page. If the match is found then the lost info is shown to the user.

Secret Question Answer System1
Secret Question Answer System2
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