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Voucher Styles

Voucher Styles is an admin feature that includes settings and management views and allows you (site admin) to provide discounts on various chargeable actions for members. Signup, gift, item setup fees are considered by Nash OS as chargeable actions unless otherwise set to be free from admin. However once those fees are set to be charged from admin panel then vouchers can be utilized to attract more sales at any time.

Having said that you (site admin) have full control over vouchers and which fees are included into voucher type of discounts, could be percentage or flat discount.

Also vouchers can have their own names (not just promo codes) as we call them in Nash OS as Voucher Styles, please see below screenshot(s) for a detailed information.

On top of it all, you can also email vouchers to your members as a newsletter that promotes above chargeable actions.

During voucher setup process, you (site admin) is able to assign vouchers to any specific user or to all users, as well as pick and choose whether a voucher will be a credit or a reduction of a fee as well as various other settings, please see below screenshot(s) for a detailed information.

Voucher Styles1
Voucher Styles2
Voucher Styles3
Voucher Styles4
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