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Introduction to Nash OS
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Multi-Channel Selling

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Buyers & Sellers

Picture Manager System
Picture Manager System is a feature of Nash OS for eCommerce and allows your site to host pictures for your sellers so they can use them during SYI or RYI processes. As admin of your site you can find this feature in Navigation menu of admin area. There are 3 major views that allow you to enable or disable this feature, to set up subscriptions for this feature that sellers will pay to use it, and management view that lets you curate sellers that use this feature, such as see when is the next payment expected whether or not to activate or deactivate the feature on per-seller-basis, or entirely stop (a.k.a. delete) subscription for any user. When you enable this feature you do need to create your own subscription plan(s), if you do not create any subscription then the default subscription plan will take place which is totally free with unlimited number of megabytes. The creation of subscription plans is done via a separate view, where you name your subscription plans, set number of megabytes per subscription plan, the cost of subscription plan, recurring cycle for subscription in days. Deleting a subscription plan will automatically inactivate all subscriptions that were used by respective seller(s). Inactivating all subscription plans and fees will automatically activate default subscription (see above). If you want to alter subscription plans you should edit them rather than creating new ones. If you want a subscription plan fee to be a one time fee, enter 0 in the "Recurring Cycle" field. The "Megabytes" field represents the maximum megabytes that can be listed in the subscription plan. On the sellers end this feature can be found inside Members Area. Once a seller navigates to My Picture Manager view, he is met with Settings view and the link to the Manage view. The Settings view holds important information about his subscription plan as well as a toggle to stop subscription at any time or optionally upgrade or downgrade between multiple subscription plans only if there are more than one subscription plan created by admin. The Manage view is where the picture manager shines, sellers can add more picture via that view. Sellers can create folders to place pictures into as well as name and rename them. Once a seller has at least one picture stored in his Picture Manager, he can access it via SYI or RYI process and add any picture from his Picture Manager to the item his about to post. My Picture Manager feature also goes next level by allowing to preview any picture right inside SYI or RYI processes.

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Themes for your website
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UX & Navigation
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Admin Panel

Desktop Apps
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